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  • Title:基于《邪客》阴阳卫气论探讨失眠症的治疗

  • 卷期:2024年22卷15期

  • 作者:李茜  哈永琴

  • 天津市滨海新区中医医院心身科,天津,300451

  • Author(s):Li Qian,Ha Yongqin,

  • Binhai New Area Hospital of TCM Tianjin,Psychosomatic Department

  • 关键词不寐病;灵枢;针药结合;半夏汤

  • Keywords: insomnia; Lingshu; Combination of acupuncture and medicine; Pinellia tuber soup

  • 摘要:本文从失眠病机、治法、方药等角度对《灵枢·邪客》进行阐释,指出不寐病的基本病机是卫阳之气不能入于足少阴肾经而濡养五脏。治法为补虚泻实调整阴阳,可以用针刺的方法,泻阳跷脉之申脉,补阴跷脉之照海。同时饮用半夏汤。半夏汤由半夏、秫米、千里甘澜水组成。半夏因其生长特性具有引阳入阴的作用,秫米甘粘微凉,能养营补阴,临床可用薏苡仁、夏枯草代替,千里甘澜水具有增加药液浓度,提高疗效,同时使药液不快速下行膀胱,起到保证睡眠的作用。                                                                                                                                                                                

  • AbstractThis paper interprets "Lingshu evil guest" from the aspects of insomnia pathogenesis, treatment and prescriptions, and points out that the basic pathogenesis of insomnia is that the Qi of Wei Yang cannot enter the kidney meridian of foot Shaoyin and nourish the five zang organs. The treatment method is to replenish deficiency and reduce excess to adjust Yin and Yang. Acupuncture can be used to reduce Yang and Qi, and replenish Yin and Qi. Drink Banxia soup at the same time. Pinellia ternata soup is composed of Pinellia ternata, sorghum rice and Ganlan water. Pinellia ternata has the function of inducing Yang into Yin due to its growth characteristics. The sorghum is sweet and cool, and can nourish Ying and Yin. It can be replaced by coix seed and Prunella vulgaris clinically. Qianli Ganlan water can increase the concentration of the liquid medicine, improve the curative effect, and prevent the liquid medicine from descending rapidly into the bladder, so as to ensure sleep.

    随着社会的快速发展,人们心理压力大,作息不规律,失眠症成为临床的常见病症。失眠是指尽管有合适的睡眠机会和睡眠环境,依然对睡眠时间和(或)质量感到不满足,并且影响日间社会功能的一种主观体验。主要症状表现为入睡困难(入睡潜伏期超过30min)、睡眠维持障碍(整夜觉醒次数≥2次)、早醒、睡眠质量下降和总睡眠时间减少(通常少于6.5 h),同时伴有疲劳、情绪低落或激惹、躯体不适、认知障碍等日间功能障碍[1]。在河北省的一项面向8岁及以上人群,共21376名的流行病学调查[2]表明45-64岁失眠的患病率为33.6%,65岁或以上失眠的患病率为23.3%;以色列健康保障机构[3]对在其登记的195201例失眠患者进行了调查,发现失眠的发病率随年龄增长而增加,75岁或以上的老年人为22.3%。失眠症是认知障碍、高血压、肥胖、代谢综合征、消化性溃疡以及银屑病等多种疾病的重要因素[4-6]。


[3]Fund N,Green A,ChodickG,etal.The epidemiology of sleep disorders in Israel:results from a population -wide study[J].Sleep Med,2020,67:120-127.

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