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  • Title:儿科四缝治疗的中医机理探究

  • 卷期:2024年22卷16期

  • 作者:胡勇1 , 刘英2* ,宋邦国1 ,黎碧妹1

  • 1,江西中医药大学研究生院,江西南昌,330000;2. 江西中医药大学附属医院中医儿科,江西南昌,330000

  • Author(s):Hu Yong1,Liu Yin 2,Song Bang guo1,Li Bi mei1

  • 1.Jiangxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine;2. Affiliated Hospital of Jiangxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine

  • 关键词儿科、挑四缝、经络、精气血津液

  • Keywords: Pediatrics, Tiaosifeng, Meridians, Essence, Qi, Blood and Body Fluid

  • 摘要::小儿挑治四缝疗法历史源远流长,作为一种中医儿科的传统外治疗法,至今在临床上仍广泛使用,其对于儿科多种肺脾虚弱类慢性疾病及惊风、抽搐、高热等急性疾病均有突出疗效。现如今不只是儿科疳证以四缝为治,其他儿科常见病,也常常会用到四缝,譬如文献记载小儿眨眼症、多发性抽动症、小儿哮喘等。从文献记载上看,在儿科之外,四缝还常常用于其他科的疾病的辅助治疗,使得传统的治疗手段有了新的用武之地。目前对于挑治四缝的中医诊疗理论及机理,缺乏系统、深入的论述。本文在中医基础理论的指导下,以经络理论和精、气、津、血关系等理论为基础进行诊疗,探讨中医四缝疗法治疗各种疾病的理论机理。                                                                                                                                                                                

  • Abstract The four stitch therapy for children has a long history. As a traditional external therapy in pediatrics of traditional Chinese medicine, it is still widely used in clinical practice. It has outstanding effects on a variety of chronic diseases in pediatrics, such as lung and spleen deficiency, convulsions, high fever and other acute diseases. Nowadays, not only the infantile chancre syndrome is treated by four stitches, but also other common diseases in pediatrics, such as blinking, multiple tic syndrome and asthma in children. According to the literature, apart from pediatrics, the four slits are often used for auxiliary treatment of diseases in other departments, making the traditional treatment methods have a new place of use. At present, there is a lack of systematic and in-depth discussion on the theory and mechanism of TCM diagnosis and treatment of four seams. Under the guidance of the basic theory of traditional Chinese medicine, this paper conducts diagnosis and treatment based on the theory of channels and collaterals and the theory of the relationship between essence, qi, fluid and blood, and discusses the theoretical mechanism of four seam therapy in treating various diseases.

    小儿挑治四缝疗法作为一种至今仍广泛应用于中医儿科临床的外治疗法,四缝自古用于治疗疳证,如今对小儿脾虚仍颇有疗效且依然常用,如典型的营养不良患儿,脾虚积滞患儿等。随着生活质量的提升,儿科疾病谱也发生了变化,据统计:近三十年,消化系统病增长了5. 27%,小儿精神类疾病增长0. 6%,小儿恶性肿瘤增长3. 54%,循环系统病增长了2. 85%,先天性身体出现异常增长了4. 02%,按照其上涨幅度排行次序分别是消化系统病、先天性身体出现异常、循环系统病、小儿恶性肿瘤。在新的形势下,消化系统疾病被放在了突出的位置上,挑治四缝依然用途广泛[1]。


[1] 段玉清,邱杰,李维成.三十年新医大一附院儿科疾病谱变迁[J].中国病案,2002(03):35-36.
[2]王云娜. 四缝穴古今临床运用的文献研究[D].广州中医药大学,2017.

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