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  • Title:文献阅读与汇报在针灸学教学改革中的实践与思考

  • 卷期:2024年22卷16期

  • 作者:黄丽贞1 靳连海1 刘间怡1 林晓婉1 龙勤强2 武宗辉3

  • 1.广东药科大学中医学院,广东,云浮 527500 ;2.广东药科大学中医药研究院,广东省代谢病中西医结合研究中心,广东,广州 510006;3. 广东药科大学图书馆,广东,广州 510006

  • Author(s):HUANG Lizhen 1, JIN Lianhai1, LIU Jianyi1, LIN Xiaowan1, LONG qinqiang2, WU Zonghui3

  • 1. School of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Guangdong Pharmaceutical University, Yunfu 527500, Guangdong Province, China;2.Institute of Chinese Medicine, Guangdong Pharmaceutical University, Guangdong TCM Key Laboratory of Metabolic Diseases, Guangzhou 510006, China;3. Library of Guangdong Pharmaceutical University, Guangzhou 510006, China

  • 关键词针灸学;教学改革;文献阅读与汇报;中医教育

  • Keywords:Acupuncture and moxibustion; Teaching reform; Literature reading and reporting; Traditional Chinese medicine education

  • 摘要:针灸学是中医学生本科阶段的必修课程,要求学生掌握经络腧穴的理论知识,基础的刺灸方法,运用针灸防治疾病的能力。传统的针灸教学多以教师讲解为主,往往不能达到满意的教学效果,近年来各种教学改革也在不断探索实践运用于教学。文献是知识的载体,阅读文献是学习、了解各方面知识的有效途径。笔者在本校2019级中医学专业的针灸学教学中,以小组学习的形式,将“文献阅读与汇报”的教学模式融入教学。结合问卷调查分析发现,文献阅读与汇报可以帮助学生理解、掌握针灸知识,提高学生学习针灸的积极性,培养学生的针灸临床思维能力以及逻辑思维能力等,有利于提高针灸教学质量。                                                                                                                                                                                

  • Abstract  Acupuncture is a compulsory course for Chinese medicine students at the undergraduate level, which requires students to master the theoretical knowledge of meridian acupoints, basic acupuncture methods, and the ability to use acupuncture to prevent and treat diseases. Traditional acupuncture teaching is mainly based on teachers' explanations, which often fails to achieve satisfactory teaching results, and in recent years, various teaching reforms have been continuously explored and applied to teaching. Literature is the carrier of knowledge, and reading literature is an effective way to learn and understand all aspects of knowledge. In the teaching of acupuncture and moxibustion in the 2019 class of Chinese medicine majors in this school, the author integrates the teaching mode of "literature reading and reporting" into teaching in the form of group learning. Based on the analysis of questionnaire survey, it was found that literature reading and reporting can help students understand and master acupuncture knowledge, improve their enthusiasm for learning acupuncture, cultivate their clinical thinking ability and logical thinking ability of acupuncture, and improve the quality of acupuncture teaching.

    针灸学是一门在中医基础理论指导下,以经络腧穴、刺灸方法、针灸治疗三部分组成,探究运用针灸防治疾病的临床基础学科,是中医学生本科阶段的核心课程之一。在国家大力推动中医药事业传承与发展的今天,针灸因其简便、有效的临床特点,不仅在国内受到越来越高的重视,甚至已经走出国门,在世界各地绽放中华医学的魅力,因此,提高针灸学课程的教学质量,是培养高水平针灸人才,促进中医教育事业发展的重要举措。如今,为了提高针灸学的教学质量,各种教学方法、教学模式被尝试融入针灸学教学,如:双前法、互动式教学、立体教学、Problem-Based Learing(PBL)教学、Outcomes-Based Education(OBE)教学、双元制、云班课、翻转课堂、互联网—线下结合的混合式学习模式等[1–10],改变了传统的“满堂灌”教育模式,从理论、实践、理论与实践相结合等方面,提高了学生的针灸学理论掌握水平和实践能力,为针灸学教学改革提供了参考。文献是专业领域内新发现和新理论的载体,更是各行业工作者进行交流与沟通的重要媒介,提高大学生的专业文献阅读能力是现阶段我国大学的重要教育方向[11]。研究调查显示[12],本科阶段医学生阅读专业期刊文献的时间有限、能力堪忧。笔者从培养研究生文献阅读能力的文献研习会(Journal Club)得到思路,以帮助学生理解和掌握针灸学知识、提高学生学习针灸学的兴趣、培养学生针灸临床思维为主要目的,在本校2019级中医学专业224名学生的针灸学教学中,融入“文献阅读与汇报”的教学模式,以期提高针灸学教学质量,深化针灸学教学改革。


[1]许予民, 魏建文. 《针灸学》“双前法”教改初探[J]. 云南中医学院学报, 2011, 34(05): 57–58.
[2]朱英, 陈日兰, 杜艳, 等. 《针灸学》课堂理论教学改革初探[J]. 中医药导报, 2012, 18(05): 124–125.
[3] 林永青, 何琪, 郑明常, 等. 构建《针灸学》立体教学模式的方案探析[J]. 中医药管理杂志, 2014, 22(07): 1057–1058.

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