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  • Title:小柴胡汤用治癌性疾病的研究

  • 卷期:2024年22卷1期

  • 作者:习弯弯  李志刚*

  • 河南中医药大学第三附属医院肿瘤科,河南 郑州 450000

  • Author(s):Xi wanwan  Li Zhigang

  • Department of oncology, the Third Affiliated Hospital of Henan University of traditional Chinese medicine, Zhengzhou, Henan 450000

  • 关键词小柴胡汤;癌性疾病;研究

  • Keywords:Xiaochaihu Decoction; Cancerous diseases; Research

  • 摘要:小柴胡汤是仲景《伤寒论》少阳百病之宗方,以“和”之法,双向调节以驱散邪气,肿瘤病人多见“小柴胡证”,临床应用广泛。随着中医药临床及药理学研究的不断深化,以小柴胡汤为基础方在治疗肝癌、胰腺癌、胃肠癌、肺癌以及癌性发热等疾病疗效明确。临床研究显示其组方或复方能够提高放化疗以及靶向药物的疗效,减轻毒副作用,改善患者的生存质量。药理学研究其组方药物的多种活性成分在抑制癌细胞生长增殖和促进其凋亡,激活肿瘤免疫效应方面均发挥了不同程度的抗肿瘤作用。                                                                                                                                                                                

  • Abstract:Xiaochaihu Decoction is the Zong prescription of Shaoyang diseases in Zhongjing's treatise on febrile diseases. It uses the method of "harmony" and two-way regulation to dispel evil Qi. Tumor patients often see "Xiaochaihu syndrome", which is widely used in clinic. With the continuous deepening of clinical and pharmacological research on Chinese medicine, Xiao Chaihu Decoction is effective in the treatment of liver cancer, pancreatic cancer, gastrointestinal cancer, lung cancer and cancer fever. Clinical research shows that its formula or compound can improve the efficacy of radiotherapy, chemotherapy and targeted drugs, reduce toxic and side effects and improve the quality of life of patients. Pharmacology studies the active components of its prescription drugs have played different anti-tumor effects in inhibiting the growth and proliferation of cancer cells, promoting their apoptosis and activating tumor immune effects.

    癌性疾病在中医学中称之为“积病”,认为癌性疾病发生的本质是本虚标实,本虚体现在肺、脾、肾三脏,标实指的是痰凝、血瘀脉络而成有形之邪阻碍气机,影响局部和整体而发病。医圣仲景指出少阳经为疾病传变的枢纽,在疾病的发生发展中举足轻重。小柴胡汤是仲景《伤寒论》少阳百病之宗方,《伤寒论》原文第96条 “伤寒五六日…胸胁苦满,默默不欲饮食…小柴胡汤主之” 提出了少阳枢机不利的病机,并列出小柴胡汤的原方:柴胡半斤、黄芩三两、人参三两、甘草三两、半夏半升、生姜三两、大枣十二枚,上七味,以水一斗二升,煮取六升,去滓,再煎,取三升,温服一升,日三服。少阳之邪在半表半里,方以柴胡为君,味苦,微寒取其升达疏透、宣散半表邪气之意,配伍苦寒之黄芩清泻半里之邪热,以“和”法,双向调节以驱散邪气,一散一清,相得益彰[1]。


    [4] 胡小剑,刘晓秋.小柴胡汤对四氯化碳/乙醇诱发小鼠肝癌肠-肝-脑损伤的影响[J].中国实验方剂学杂志,2012,18(23):207-12.

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