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  • Title:基于中医临床药师规范化培训模式的中药师能力提升路径探索

  • 卷期:2024年22卷3期

  • 作者:徐熠,刘静,黄瑾,徐玲玲,吴铁军,黄乾元,范亮

  • 上海中医药大学附属岳阳中西医结合医院药学部,上海200437

  • Author(s):XU Yi, LIU Jing, HUANG Jin, XU Lingling, WU Tiejun, HUANG Qianyuan, FAN Liang

  • 1. Department of Pharmacy, Yueyang Hospital of Integrated Traditional and Western Medicine, Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Shanghai 200437

  • 关键词中医临床药师;规范化培训;药师能力;提升路径

  • Keywords:Clinical pharmacists of Chinese medicine; Standardized training; Pharmacist ability; Promotion path

  • 摘要:在新医改的大环境下,药学服务逐渐由以药品为中心转向了以患者为中心的服务模式。其中药师面临了越来越严峻的转型挑战,为保障中药临床合理用药,促进中药临床药学的发展,2016年起上海开展了中医临床药师在职规范化培训工作。本文通过总结中西医结合医院对中医临床药师培训教学模式,优化中医临床药师培养方案,着重突出培养中医临床药师的中医药的临床思维、药学服务能力等,从而探索培养中医临床药师能力提升路径,为中医临床药师人才培养模式提供参考。                                                                                                                                                                                

  • Abstract:In the context of the new medical reform, pharmaceutical care has gradually shifted from a pharmaceutical centered to a patient-centered service model. Pharmacists are facing more and more severe transformation challenges. In order to ensure the rational use of traditional Chinese medicine and promote the development of clinical pharmacy of traditional Chinese medicine, clinical pharmacists of Chinese medicine training program has been started in Shanghai since 2016. The article concluded the training and teaching mode of TCM clinical pharmacists in integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine hospitals, and optimize the training scheme of TCM clinical pharmacists, and focused on the clinical thinking and pharmaceutical service ability. To explore the ways to improve the ability of training clinical pharmacists of traditional Chinese medicine, and to provide reference for the training mode of clinical pharmacists of traditional Chinese medicine.

    随着中医药事业的不断发展,中药临床药学服务的关注度也逐年上升[1],为了加强中药药事管理、促进中药合理用药,早在6年前上海就探索开展了中医临床药师在职规范化培训模式 [2]。


    [5]薛昀,张娜娜.基于中医理论的中药临床药师培养模式探讨[J]. 光明中医,2017,32(22):3340 - 3342

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