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  • Title:邓运明教授治疗腰痛经验撷菁

  • 卷期:2024年22卷4期

  • 作者:程凌1.2,熊伟2,李华南1.3,邓昌茂2,邵子晨1,邓运明1.3

  • 1.江西中医药大学临床医学院,江西南昌,330006;2.南昌市洪都中医院康复医学科,江西南昌,330000;3.江西省中医药大学附属医院骨科,江西南昌,330006

  • Author(s):Lai Xiaoyan

  • Cheng Ling1.2, Xiong Wei2, Li Huanan1.3, Deng Changmao2, Shao Zichen1, Deng Yunming1.3

  • 关键词 腰痛;名医经验;旴江医学流派;邓运明;骨伤科

  • Keywords: low back pain; experience of famous doctors; Yangjiang school of medicine; Deng Yunming; orthopedics; Zimenquan

  • 摘要:腰痛是现代社会最常见的慢性病,病程长,反复发作,对患者工作生活造成很大影响。邓运明教授是当代旴江骨伤名家,诊治腰痛独具一格,认为当代腰痛之人,虚实异于古人,中道失衡,谓之“失中”,诊断腰痛之时,应辨证寻因,避免被虚实表象所迷惑,当剖析疾病虚实之本质,治疗腰痛应当以恢复中道为治疗要点,使患者中正平和、阴阳平衡、正气周流,邓老提出“内治肝脾肾,外治筋骨肌,内外同治,法求致中”的腰痛治疗原则,拟定“补肾健脾汤”该方主要调理肝脾肾三脏,以求内脏致中,改良 “字门”伤科推拿术,以字门穴位为推拿点按要点,强调经络调和、筋骨致中,创新“字门”功法,“字门”桩法、拧腰转胯等练功之法,以固本培元,将用药、手法、练功相结合,以恢复腰痛患者的中正平和为治疗目标。                                                                                                                                                                                

  • Abstract: Low back pain is the most common chronic disease in modern society, with a long course of disease and repeated attacks, which has a great impact on the work and life of patients. The Ganjiang River was called Yangjiang River in ancient times. The climate around its basin is unique, and famous medical experts have come out in large numbers, forming a unique "Yangjiang Medicine". Professor Deng Yunming, a native of Zhangshu, Jiangxi Province, is a contemporary Yangjiang orthopaedic expert. Influenced by the Yangjiang culture, he studied medicine and martial arts since childhood, and obtained the true inheritance of the Yangjiang medical way. Mr. Deng devoted his life to the dissemination and development of Yangjiang’s medical skills. His academic teacher is not ancient, innovative in medical theory, and has unique features in the diagnosis and treatment of low back pain. Based on the low back pain treatment principle of "Seeking for Zhong", formulate "Shenzhen Jiangu Decoction", improve and innovate "Zimen" traumatic massage and "Zimen" exercises, and combine medicine, manipulation and practice to restore the Zhongzheng of patients with low back pain. Peace is the goal of treatment.




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