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  • Title:中药特色技术传承在中药鉴定学实践教学中的探索与创新

  • 卷期:2024年22卷4期

  • 作者:邸学, 王添敏,张 慧,李 峰,宋慧鹏

  • 辽宁中医药大学药学院,辽宁大连,116600

  • Author(s):DI Xue1, WANG Tian-min, ZHANG Hui, LI Feng, SONG Hui-peng

  • School of Chinese Medicine,Liaoning University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Dalian, Liaoning 116600,China

  • 关键词中药特色技术;实践教学;中药鉴定

  • Keywords:Characteristic technology of traditional Chinese Medicine; Practical teaching ; Identififi cation of Chinese Medicine

  • 摘要: 在中药鉴定学实践教学中融入中药特色技术,有利于提升学生的专业素养,强化中药鉴定学的专业知识,同时提高学生的实践能力。通过对传统中药特色技术的挖掘、继承和创新,有利于培养学生的现代中医药思维,有利于学生职业技能和科研创新能力的提高,并有助于推动现代中药产业的健康可持续发展,为人民的健康生活提供医学保障。                                                                                                                                                                                

  • Abstract:Integrating traditional Chinese medicine characteristic technology into the practice teaching of traditional Chinese medicine identification is conducive to improving students' professional quality, strengthening the professional knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine identification, and improving students' practical ability at the same time. Through the excavation, inheritance and innovation of traditional Chinese medicine characteristic technology, it is conducive to cultivating students' modern Chinese medicine thinking, improving students' vocational skills and scientific research innovation ability, promoting the healthy and sustainable development of modern Chinese medicine industry, and providing medical guarantee for people's healthy life.

    中药特色技术指中药栽培 、资源保护及利用 、鉴定 、炮制 、饮片生产 、传统制药工艺 、制剂 、医院制剂开发研究 、调剂等相关技术[1]。而中医药的传承不仅仅是一门特色技术传承 ,更是中国传统文化的传 承 ,因此注重提高中国传统文化素质 ,传承中医药文化,乃是中医药传承之灵魂 。



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