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  • Title:纪文岩应用三仁汤辨治的临床经验

  • 卷期:2024年22卷13期

  • 作者:纪雅楠1 纪文岩2*

  • 1.山东中医药大学中医学院 山东济南 250000;2.青岛市中医医院心血管一科 山东青岛 266000

  • Author(s):Ji Yanan1  Ji Wenyan2*

  • 1. College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Shandong University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Jinan, Shandong 250000;2.Qingdao Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital Cardiovascular Department I Qingdao,Shandong 266000

  • 关键词三仁汤;脉证合参;异病同治

  • Keywords: The Sanren decoction;Correlate pulse and signs;Treat different diseases together

  • 摘要:三仁汤为清代吴鞠通所著《温病条辨》[1]中治疗湿温病的代表方,功善宣畅气机,清利湿热,对三焦气机不利、湿浊内阻等病证治疗效果明显。纪文岩主任医师,硕士生导师,山东名中医药专家,第5批全国老中医药专家学术经验继承人,师承山东省著名中医吉中强教授。纪文岩老师从事临床、科研与教学工作20 余载,临床经验丰富。其门诊上善于运用病人的症状、舌脉进行辨证,活用三仁汤对症论治,疗效显著。                                                                                                                                                                                

  • AbstractSanren Decoction is the representative prescription for treating damp and warm diseases in the Differentiation of Febrile Diseases [1] written by Wu Jutong in the Qing Dynasty. It is good at promoting qi movement, clearing away damp and heat, and has obvious therapeutic effects on diseases and syndromes such as triple energizer qi movement, dampness turbid internal resistance, etc. Ji Wenyan, Chief Physician,Master's Supervisor,is a famous expert in traditional Chinese medicine in Shandong Province. He is the successor of the fifth batch of national old experts in traditional Chinese medicine and learned from Ji Zhongqiang, a famous professor of traditional Chinese medicine in Shandong Province. Mr. Ji Wenyan has been engaged in clinical, scientific research and teaching for more than 20 years, and has rich clinical experience. In the outpatient department, he is good at using the patient's symptoms, tongue and pulse for syndrome differentiation, and using Sanren Decoction for symptomatic treatment.

    吴鞠通《温病条辨》中记载“头痛恶寒,身重疼痛,舌白不渴,脉弦细而濡,面色淡黄,胸闷不饥,午后身热,状若阴虚,病难速已,名日湿温。汗之则神昏耳聋,甚则目瞑不欲言,下之则洞泄,润之则病深不解,长夏深秋冬日同法,三仁汤主之。”三仁汤原方由杏仁五钱, 飞滑石二钱, 白通草二钱, 白蔻仁二钱, 竹叶二钱, 厚朴二钱, 生薏苡仁六钱, 半夏五钱组成,方中杏仁苦温以宣通上焦肺气, 气机调畅, 使气化则湿化;白豆蔻仁芳香以开发中焦湿滞, 燥湿和胃, 行气宽中, 脾气得以散津, 水湿得化;薏苡仁色白入肺, 味甘入脾, 淡以渗湿, 疏利下焦, 使湿热有出路。



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