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  • Title:中医住院医师规范化培训过程考核体系构建与实践探索

  • 卷期:2024年22卷23期

  • 作者:周杰1,金莹2,韩德雄1,陈勤1,满心1,朱玄1,马睿杰*1

  • 1.浙江中医药大学附属第三医院教学部,杭州,310005;2.浙江大学医学院附属第二医院中医科,杭州,310009

  • Author(s):Zhou Jie1, Jin Ying2, Han Dexiong1, Chen Qin1, Man Xin1, Zhu Xuan1, Ma Ruijie1*

  • 1. The Third Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang Chinese Medical University, Education Department Hangzhou, 310005;2. The Second Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University School of Medicine, TCM Department, Hangzhou, 310009

  • 关键词中医;住院医师规范化培训;过程考核

  • Keywords: Chinese medicine; residency standardized training; process assessment

  • 摘要:我国已全面启动新的住院医师规范化培训制度,已经取得了一定成效,然而目前还存在培训模式偏西化、理论学习轻基础、考核模式轻过程和管理模式未分层等不足。考核是住院医师规范化培训管理的重要组成部分,其结果是衡量基地与住培学员培养质量的客观指标,其中过程考核是重中之重。浙江中医药大学附属第三医院作为首批国家中医培训基地,按照上级主管部门相关文件要求,建立了过程考核体系,制定了规范的考核管理制度,采取规范日常考核、严肃出科考核、增设季度考核、设置专项考核、组织年度考核、落实绩效考核等相关举措,多管齐下,以保证培训质量。                                                                                                                                                                                

  • AbstractChina has fully launched the new residency standardized training system, and has achieved certain results, however, there are still deficiencies such as westernized training mode, theoretical learning light on the foundation, assessment mode light on the process and management mode not stratified. The assessment is an important part of the management of standardized residency training, and its results are objective indicators to measure the training quality of the base and residency trainees, of which the process assessment is the most important. As the first batch of national TCM training bases, the Third Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, in accordance with the requirements of the relevant documents of the higher authorities, has established a process assessment system, formulated a standardized assessment management system, taken relevant initiatives such as standardizing daily assessment, serious discharge assessment, adding quarterly assessment, setting special assessment, organizing annual assessment, and implementing performance assessment, etc., with a multi-pronged approach to ensure the quality of training.



[1]刘敏.广东省中医住院医师规范化培训的完善建设[J]. 中药, 2016,14(7):79-80.

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