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  • Title:思政教育融入诊断学线上实践教学的探索

  • 卷期:2024年22卷23期

  • 作者:陈锦团1  骆云丰2  陈乃洁1  苏晓燕1

  • 福建中医药大学中西医结合学院,福州 350108;2福建中医药大学附属第二人民医院消化内科 福建,福州 350003

  • Author(s):CHEN Jin-tuan1,LUO Yun-feng2, CHEN Nai-jie1, SU Xiao-yan1

  • 1 Fujian University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Fu zhou 350122;No.2 Affiliated Hospital,Fujian University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Fu zhou 350003

  • 关键词诊断学;实践教学;课程思政

  • Keywords:Diagnostics; Practical teaching; Curriculum ideological and political

  • 摘要:诊断学是一门打开临床医学的一把钥匙,是医学生培养医者仁心很重要的一个环节,线上的实践教学存在挑战性,将诊断学的教学与课程思政同向同行,形成协同效应,亦是教学的重点与难点。本文从诊断学实践教学特点出发,结合思政与课程融合教学特色、思政教育融入诊断学实践教学的具体实施等方面进行阐述,期许为思政教育融入诊断学实践教学提供思路。                                                                                                                                                                                

  • AbstractDiagnostics is a key to open clinical medicine and a very important link for medical students to cultivate the benevolence of doctors. Online practical teaching is challenging. It is also the key and difficult point of teaching to combine the teaching of diagnostics with the ideological and political courses to form synergy. This paper starts from the characteristics of the practical teaching of diagnostics, combines the teaching characteristics of the integration of ideological and political education and curriculum, and the specific implementation of the integration of ideological and political education into the practical teaching of diagnostics, hoping to provide ideas for the integration of ideological and political education into the practical teaching of diagnostics.



[1]陈锦团,骆云丰,胡筱,等.疫情下诊断学实训课混合式教学模式探讨与实践.医学理论与实践. 2021,34(23):4209-4211
[2]习近平:把思想政治工作贯穿教育教学全过程 开创我国高等教育事业发展新局面[N].人民日报,2016-12-09(01)

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