《中国中医药现代远程教育》[ISSN:1672-2779/CN:11-5024/R]文章信息/InfoTitle:新医科背景下中医院校中医内科学专业实践教学模式探索与实践 卷期:2025年23卷16期 作者:郝如彬1,赵思涵1,王臻钦1,王世峰1,李万婷2※ 1.山西中医药大学,第一临床学院,山西 太原 030024;2.山西中医药大学附属医院,脑病科,山西 太原 030024 Author(s):Hao Rubin1, ZHAO Sihan1, WANG Zhenqin1, WANG Shifeng1, LI Wanting2 ※ Gansu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine School of Basic Medicine 关键词:超星学习通;微信;中医诊断学;考核模式;探索和设计 Keywords:1. Shanxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, the First Clinical College, Taiyuan 030024, China;2. Affiliated Hospital of Shanxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Department of Brain Disease, Taiyuan 030024, China 摘要:中共中央、国务院关于新时代教育改革发展提出“新医科”的概念,是指高校专业设置中将设立新的医科专业或改造原有的医科专业,以人工智能、大数据、云计算等新兴技术为支撑,与多学科交叉融合,以推动医疗行业的创新和发展,同时提出加快实施“六卓越一拔尖”计划2.0,重点强调卓越医生教育培养,探索符合新时代需求的新医科人才培养体系。在“新医科”的背景下,推动医学教育高质量发展是新时代卫生和教育系统高质量发展的目标及要求。中医内科学作为中医学的主干学科之一,占据重要地位,因此在“新医科”指导下,对中医内科学专业的实践教学模式进一步探索,可以提高学生在临床诊疗疾病时运用中医内科知识的熟练度,锻炼其获取信息的能力,增强中医内科临床的教学水平,培养学生良好中医内科临床思维,为将来能够独立工作、独立诊疗以及完成临床科研打下坚实基础,使其更好地胜任临床工作。
AbstractObjective:The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and The State Council put forward the concept of "new medicine" on the reform and development of education in the new era. It refers to the establishment of new medical majors or the transformation of original medical majors in colleges and universities. It is supported by artificial intelligence, big data, cloud computing and other emerging technologies, and integrates with multi-disciplines to promote the innovation and development of the medical industry. At the same time, it is proposed to accelerate the implementation of the "Six Excellent and one Top" plan 2.0, focus on the education and training of excellent doctors, and explore a new medical talent training system in line with the needs of the new era. In the context of "new medicine", promoting the high-quality development of medical education is the goal and requirement of the high-quality development of health and education systems in the new era. As one of the main disciplines of traditional Chinese medicine, internal medicine of traditional Chinese medicine has a very important discipline status. Therefore, under the guidance of "new medicine", further exploration of the practical teaching model of traditional Chinese internal medicine can improve students' proficiency in the use of traditional Chinese internal medicine knowledge in clinical diagnosis and treatment of diseases, exercise their ability to obtain information, enhance the level of clinical teaching of traditional Chinese internal medicine, and cultivate students' good clinical thinking of traditional Chinese internal medicine. It will lay a solid foundation for independent work, independent diagnosis and treatment and clinical research in the future, so that they can be better qualified for clinical work.
《“健康中国2030”规划纲要》中明确了2030年人民健康水平持续提升的具体目标,这就意味着“健康中国”建设需要大量优质卫生健康人力资源的支撑和保障,从教育理念、专业结构、人才培养模式、教学质量以及教育体系等多个方面进行“新医科”内涵建设思考,探索多学科交叉融合的“新医科”人才培养体系是中国医学教育的现实需求。[1] 强调“医学+X”模式,推进医学和文、理、工等学科的融合,培养交叉学科创新型人才,全面提高人才素质。中医内科学在整个中医教育体系中扮演着至关重要的角色,它依据脏腑、经脉、气血津液的病理生理学原则,全面地展示出中医的诊断和治疗方法,而且能够一定程度指导临床实践。
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