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  • Title:中医院校中药学专业药理学教学中中国自信融入探索

  • 卷期:2025年23卷16期

  • 作者:董爱国1,姜维佳1,刘炜1,樊凯芳2*,霍俊凤3*

  • 1.山西中医药大学基础医学院,山西 晋中 030619;2.山西中医药大学研究生院,山西 晋中 030619;3.山西中医药大学实验管理中心,山西 晋中 030619

  • Author(s):Dong Aiguo1, Jiang Weijia1, Liu Wei1, Fan Kaifang2*, Huo Junfeng3*

  • 1.School of basic medicine, Shanxi University of Chinese Medicine, Shanxi Province, Jinzhong 030619, China; 2.School of graduate, Shanxi University of Chinese Medicine, Shanxi Province, Jinzhong 030619, 3.Center of Experimental Management, Shanxi University of Chinese Medicine, Shanxi Province, Jinzhong 030619

  • 关键词:中药学类专业;药理学;中医药自信;中国自信

  • Keywords:Traditional Chinese medicine major; pharmacology; Traditional Chinese medicine confidence; Chinese confidence

  • 摘要:本文主要探讨如何将中医药自信以潜移默化的方式融入中医院校中药学类专业的药理学中,建立中国自信。首先将药理学的具体内容结合中药学类各专业特点和就业需求增强中医药自信,以引导形成专业自信。再通过讲授药物来源、药理学中中医药治疗方法、药物不良反应、药物作用机理的中医药解释等途径培养中药学类各专业学生对中药文化的认同感,增强中医药自信意识。并在此基础上针对中药学类各专业的专业培养目标进行引导式教学法探索。同时在药理学教学中开展学生上讲台等挑战性教学活动,进一步激发中药学类各专业学生的学习兴趣,提高学生的学习积极性与主动性。通过这些措施提升学生的中医药思辨能力,最终将书本知识转化为将来的工作能力,提高中药学类各专业的药理学教学水平和教学效果,促进中国自信形成。                                                                                                                                                                                

  • AbstractObjective:This paper mainly discusses how to integrate TCM confidence into the pharmacology of TCM pharmacy majors in a subtle way to build Chinese confidence. First of all, the specific content of pharmacology should be combined with the characteristics of TCM majors and employment needs to enhance TCM confidence, so as to guide the formation of professional confidence. Then, by teaching the source of drugs, TCM treatment methods in pharmacology, adverse drug reactions, and TCM interpretation of drug action mechanism, the students can cultivate the sense of identity of TCM culture and enhance the confidence consciousness of traditional Chinese medicine. On this basis, the guided teaching method is explored for the professional training objectives of traditional Chinese pharmacy. At the same time, challenging teaching activities such as students on the platform are carried out in pharmacology teaching to further stimulate the learning interest of students majoring in Chinese pharmacy and improve students' learning enthusiasm and initiative. Through these measures, students' TCM thinking ability will be improved, and finally the book knowledge will be transformed into future working ability. The pharmacology teaching level and teaching effect of TCM majors will be improved, and the formation of Chinese confidence will be promoted.



[3]郭晓娜. 理解性学习论[D].华东师范大学,2010.

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