《中国中医药现代远程教育》[ISSN:1672-2779/CN:11-5024/R]文章信息/InfoTitle:基于“衰其大半而止”探讨活血化瘀中药在复发性流产中的应用 卷期:2025年23卷16期 作者:黄旨涵 刘英莲* 海南医学院中医学院,海南 海口 571199 Author(s):HUANG Zhihan LIU Yinglian* Hainan Medical College TCM college, Hainan Haikou 571199 关键词:活血化瘀;复发性流产;衰其大半而止;RSA Keywords: Promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis;Recurrent abortion;Enfeeble it until the half;RSA 摘要:中医认为凡堕胎或小产连续发生3次或以上者,称为“滑胎”,亦称“数堕胎”[1],即为西医复发性流产(RSA),而瘀血阻滞胞宫可直接或间接导致复发性流产,随着现代医学的讨论深入,灵活运用活血化瘀药物在复发性流产病症治疗中已获得认可,并已逐渐运用于临床中;本篇主要基于“预培其损”以及“衰其大半而止”的理论思想,探讨活血化瘀药物在复发性流产中的积极应用,为复发性流产的临床治疗提供理论依据。
AbstractObjective:Traditional Chinese medicine believes that abortion or miscarriage occurring three or more times in a row is called "miscarriage", also known as "multiple abortion" [1]. That is recurrent abortion (RSA) in Western medicine. Blood stasis blocking the uterine cell can directly or indirectly lead to recurrent abortion. With the in-depth discussion of modern medicine, the flexible use of blood-activating and blood-stasis drugs has been recognized in the treatment of recurrent abortion. And has been gradually used in clinical; Based on the theory of "pre-damage" and "enfeeble it until the half", this paper discusses the active application of drugs to promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis in recurrent abortion, and provides theoretical basis for the clinical treatment of recurrent abortion.
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