《中国中医药现代远程教育》[ISSN:1672-2779/CN:11-5024/R]文章信息/InfoTitle:“因势利导”思想在胃癌中的应用 卷期:2025年23卷17期 作者:文硕 甘肃中医药大学 中医临床学院(甘肃兰州 730000) Author(s):Wen Shuo Clinical College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Gansu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine(Lanzhou 730000, China) 关键词:因势利导;胃癌;中医 Keywords:Adapt to the situation; Gastric cancer; Traditional Chinese Medicine 摘要:“因势利导”本是《孙子兵法》中的重要思想,意思是顺着事物的发展趋势,使其向有利的方面发展。《黄帝内经》首先将其作为一种治疗原则引入医学领域,成为中医诊疗过程中常用的思想,其在胃癌的诊疗过程中也同样适用,并有着独到的见解。胃癌作为临床常见的消化道恶性肿瘤,具有发病率高、致死率高、诊断率低的特点,随着经济的发展、科技的进步、人类生活方式的改变,疾病谱也较前发生较大变化。根据胃癌发生及发展的特点,以因势利导为指导思想,在治疗上结合自然地域之势、正邪消长规律、脏腑特性及病势急缓、发展转归,察机度势,审证求因,或可事半功倍,有效地防治胃癌,为临床提供新的诊疗思路。
AbstractObjective: "Adapting the situation to benefit" is an important thought in Sun Tzu's Art of War, which means to follow the development trend of things and make them develop to favorable aspects. It was first introduced into the medical field as a treatment principle in Inner Canon of Huangdi, and became a common thought in the process of traditional chinese medicine diagnosis and treatment. It is also applicable to the diagnosis and treatment of gastric cancer, and has unique insights. Gastric cancer, as a common gastrointestinal malignant tumor, has the characteristics of high incidence, high mortality and low diagnosis rate. With the development of economy, the progress of science and technology, and the change of human life style, the disease spectrum has also changed greatly. According to the characteristics of the occurrence and development of gastric cancer, with the guiding ideology of adapting the situation to benefit, the treatment should be combined with the natural regional trend, the law of the rise and fall of positive and pathogenic factors, the characteristics of viscera, the severity of the disease, the development and prognosis of the disease, and the observation of the mechanism of the potential and the examination of the cause can effectively prevent and treat gastric cancer, and provide new ideas for clinical diagnosis and treatment.
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