《中国中医药现代远程教育》[ISSN:1672-2779/CN:11-5024/R]文章信息/InfoTitle:中医基础理论课程融入思政教学元素的教学实践探讨 卷期:2025年23卷17期 作者:张冰冰,尚德阳,李佳,王庆谚,杨芳,邓洋洋,孙鑫 辽宁中医药大学中医学院,辽宁沈阳,100847 Author(s):Zhang Bingbing , Shang Deyang , Li Jia , Wang Qingyuan , Yang Fang , Deng Yangyang , Sun Xin College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Liaoning University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Shenyang, Liaoning, 100847 关键词:中医;中医基础理论;课程思政 Keywords: Traditional Chinese Medicine; Basic theories of tradi -tional Chinese medicine; Curriculum Ideology and Politics 摘要:中医基础理论作为中医主干课程,蕴藏着极其丰富的思政素材。在教学中,挖掘思政素材,阐述中医疫病源流,建立中医学科自信;引入中医重要著作学术思想讲解,继承发扬大医医德;结合专业内容融入相关医案典故,弘扬医学仁心仁术。在中医基础专业课中注重思政教育,成为医学院校刻不容缓的重要命题。
AbstractObjective: As a core course of traditional Chinese medicine, basic theories of traditional Chinese medicine contain extremely rich ideological and political materials. In teaching, we should explore ideological and political materials, explain the origin and development of TCM epidemics, and build confidence in the discipline of TCM; Introducing academic explanations of important works of traditional Chinese medicine, inheriting and promoting the medical ethics of great doctors; Combining professional content with relevant medical case allusions, promoting medical benevolence and skill. Emphasizing ideological and political education in the basic courses of traditional Chinese medicine has become an urgent and important proposition in medical colleges.
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