《中国中医药现代远程教育》[ISSN:1672-2779/CN:11-5024/R]文章信息/InfoTitle:中医药文化融入《成人护理学》课程的教学实践* 卷期:2025年23卷18期 作者:王小兰 王婷婷 朱爱勇* 上海健康医学院护理与健康管理学院,上海 201718 Author(s):Wang Xiaolan, Wang Tingting, Zhu Aiyong School of Nursing and Health Management, Shanghai University of Medicine and Health Science,Shanghai,Pudong new area,201718 关键词:中医药文化,成人护理学,教学 Keywords: Traditional Chinese medicine culture, Adult Nursing , teaching 摘要:中医药文化是祖国文化的瑰宝,积淀了深厚的内涵,同时与课程思政建设有很多契合之处。《成人护理学》是护理学专业核心课程,其课程是以西方医学逻辑构建,在该课程中融入中医药文化,可以弘扬中医药文化,弥补《中医护理学》课程与疾病护理脱离的问题,培养护生的中西医结合的临床思维,提高专业和学科素养。同时帮助教师寻找合适的课程思政素材,更好的开展课程思政。
AbstractObjective:Traditional Chinese medicine culture is the treasure of Chinese culture, which has accumulated profound connotation, and has many similarities with the ideological and political construction of the course.Adult Nursing science is the core course of nursing major.Its curriculum is constructed based on Western medical logic.The integration of traditional Chinese medicine culture in this course can make up for the separation between the Nursing course of traditional Chinese medicine culture and disease nursing.At the same time,it can help teachers to find appropriate ideological and political materials, and to promote the culture of traditional Chinese medicine.And it can also help nursing students to cultivate the clinical thinking of integrated Chinese and western medicine , and to improve their professional and disciplinary literacy.
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