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  • Title:欣胃方治疗慢性萎缩性胃炎单臂自身对照临床观察

  • 卷期:2025年23卷18期

  • 作者:许雷   周胜   曹海燕

  • 上海市龙华医院奉贤分院脾胃病科,上海,201409

  • Author(s):Lei XU,  Sheng ZHOU,  Haiyan CAO

  • Department of Spleen and Stomach Diseases, Fengxian Branch of Shanghai Longhua Hospital, Shanghai, 201409, China

  • 关键词:慢性萎缩性胃炎,蔡淦,欣胃方

  • Keywords: chronic atrophic gastritis,Caigan,XinWei Formula

  • 摘要:目的:“欣胃方”系运用数据挖掘系统总结全国名中医蔡淦教授的处方,并观察“欣胃方”治疗慢性萎缩性胃炎的临床疗效。方法:选取2019年—2020年上海市奉贤区中医医院门诊病人200例,予以欣胃方口服,每日二次,每次一包(每包200ml汤液),90天为一疗程。并进行治疗前后症状总积分比较,治疗前后胃黏膜肠腺化生疗效比较。结果:治疗前和治疗后对比,总结分治疗后较治疗前明显降低(P﹤0.01)。治疗前后胃黏膜肠腺化生的总有效率比较,具有差异性的统计学意义(P﹤0.05)。结论:欣胃方能较好改善慢性萎缩性胃炎患者的临床症状以及胃黏膜肠腺化生的改变。                                                                                                                                                                                

  • AbstractObjective:To observe the clinical efficacy of Xinwei decoction in the treatment of chronic atrophic gastritis.Method  Select 200 outpatients from Fengxian District Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Shanghai from 2019 to 2020,then take the XinWei Formula orally,one pack twice a day, 90 days as a course of treatment.And compare the total score of symptoms before and after treatment, then compare the efficacy of intestinal metaplasia of Gastric mucosa before and after treatment.Result  Comparison between pre treatment and post treatment, summary score shows.Comparison of total effective rate of intestinal metaplasia of Gastric mucosa before and after treatment(P<0.01),The difference was statistcally significant(P<0.05). Conclusion  Xinwei Formula can effectively improve the clinical symptoms of patients with chronic Atrophic gastritis and intestinal metaplasia of Gastric mucosa.This study shows that Xinwei Decoction can effectively improve the clinical symptoms of patients, especially for the improvement of stomach pain, stomach feeling and other symptoms. Through the gastroscopic pathological results, it is found that the degree of intestinal glandular metaplasia is better improved, and the risk of dysplasia and cancer transformation is reduced. At the same time, it also applies the preventive treatment theory of traditional Chinese medicine "preventing changes from diseases" to clinical practice.

    慢性萎缩性胃炎(CAG)是由于胃黏膜上皮反复损伤,而引起固有腺体减少,同时伴或不伴肠腺化生 和(或)假幽门腺化生的一种慢性胃部疾病[1]。中国胃黏膜癌前状态及病变的处理策略专家共识(2020)认为胃黏膜萎缩和肠化生属于胃癌前状态[2] 。


[1]BanksM,GrahamD,JansenM,etal.British Society of Gastroenterology guidelines on the diagnosis and management of patients at risk of gastric adenocarcinoma[J].Gut2019,68(9):1545-1575.

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